Merger acquisition and corporate restructuring 1 himalaya. Mergers and amalgamations legal and procedural aspects 3. Corporate restructuring study materialfinal 2 slideshare. The types of corporate restructurings that are examined include. This article addresses the debate about the effectiveness of corporate restructuring by examining 52 studies presented within 25 research articles on restructuring and its impact on. This facilitates the restructuring or sale of the sick business, withoutaffecting the assets of the healthy business. Will the acquiring company issue stock, pay cash, issue notes, or use acombination of stock, cash, andor notes. This paper should be read in conjunction with the imf staff position note, principles for household debt restructuring, 2009, by luc laeven and thomas laryea.
Approaches to corporate debt restructuring in the wake of. At cakart you can find best quality video lectures. It is essentially the process of redesigning one or more aspects of the company. Aug 07, 2010 meaning and need for corporate restructuring. Notes by subject online science notes online managment notes online medical notes. Hence, corporate restructuring may involve ownershiprestructuring, business restructuring and assets restructuring. Corporate restructuring refers to the changes in ownership, business mix, assets. Issues, need of corporate governance code, code of corporate practices, social responsibility of corporates, corporate social reporting, corporate governance and the role of board bod, corporate governance system worldwide, corporate disclosure and investor protection in india. Text and cases incorporates seven brief cases and six fulllength teaching cases that instructors can use for classroom discussion and for indepth understanding of the issues at hand. One should note that the labor efficiency and loyalty. Conversely, a demerger may also be undertaken for situating alucrative business in a separate entity.
This textbook covers the issues related to corporate governance, business ethics, risk management and ethical decisions. Meaning of corporate restructuring, need, scope and modes of restructuring, global scenario, national scenario, mergers and amalgamations. Concept based notes financial management mba ii sem prepared by b. Creating value through corporate restructuring wiley. Neet notes, engineering notes, mba notes and a lot more from our website and app. Simply, reorganizing the structure of the organization to fetch more profits from its operations or is best suited to the present situation. Economic and competition law aspects of mergers and amalgamations 4. Course mba course code 16mba fm401 examination scheme theory internal assessment university exam total max.
The attached pdf file will help you in your preparation for corporate restructuring and help you clearing your semestertrimester exams with ease. The analyses shall be made from the perspective of the decision maker or the viewpoint of the analyst. Corporate valuation and restructuring thakur publication. Previously, she was a director with pricewaterhousecoopers. Pondicherry university a central university directorate of distance education strategic financial management. Kathryn vagneur manages a private investment portfolio in london. Corporate restructuring is an inorganic growth strategy. If you are not satisified with this list of cs professional corporate restructuring, valuation and insolvency notes pdf you can go for other institutes.
Giddy corporate financial restructuring 15 dear michael, february 11, 2004 mr. Case studies in bankruptcies, buyouts, and breakups. Chapter 1 mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructuring. These are the video classes and books avaliable at cakart. Concept based notes financial management mbaii sem. Meaning and various forms of corporate restructuring. Jss academy of technical education post graduate department of management studies course plan 4th semester mba cbcs scheme. Important methods of corporate restructuring includes joint ventures, sell off and spin off, divestitures, equity carve out, leveraged buy outs lbo etc.
Corporate restructuring is a nonrecurring exercise for an organisation but it has a lasting impact on the business and other concerned agencies due to its numerous considerations and immense advantages viz. Corporate restructuringmodule 1introductionwith indian corporate houses showing sustained growth over the last decade, many have shown an interestin growing globally by choosing to acquire or merge with other companies outside india. This site is like a library, use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. Agency theory suggests that better corporate governance reduces expropriation costs, which, in turn, enhances.
Jain mba faculty bisma biyani institute of science and management, jaipur. In addition to the detailed explanation of each of its topics, the book is rich in illustrations and practice exercises that facilitate easy understanding and quick revision of the subject. List of cs professional corporate restructuring, valuation and insolvency notes pdf giving you the full information of coaching classes. Corporate restructuring 21 merger negotiations 23 merger agreement 30 merger approval procedures 30 deal closing 32 shortform merger 33 freezeouts and the treatment of minority shareholders 33 reverse mergers 34 holding companies 38 chapter 2. Eisner the walt disney company 500 south buena vista. Cs professional corporate restructuring, valuation and. Pdf corporate restructuring, regulation and competitive space. Department of mba, sjbit 85 mergers, acquisitions and corporate restructuring 14mbafm407.
Notes corporate governance is a key element in improving the economic efficiency of a firm. The corporate restructuring is the process of making changes in the composition of a firms one or more business portfolios in order to have a more profitable enterprise. Good corporate governance also helps ensure that corporations take into account the interests of a wide range of constituencies, as well as of the communities within which they operate. He teaches corporate restructuring in the schools mba program and also teaches restructuring, valuation, and corporate finance in a number of senior executive education programs. This article addresses the debate about the effectiveness of corporate restructuring by examining 52 studies presented within 25 research articles on restructuring and its impact on economic performance. Meaning corporate restructuring refers to the changes inownership, business mix, assets mix and alliances with a view toenhance the shareholder value. The valuedrivers include elimination of costly crosssubsidizations characterizing internal capital markets, reduction in. Both corporate objectives and corporate strategy bring together and describe the firm. The process of reorganizing a company may be implemented due to a number of different factors, such as positioning the company to be more competitive, survive a currently adverse economic climate, or poise the corporation to move in an. Creating shareholder value through mergers and acquisitions book. Notes selfinstructional material 1 introduction introduction for a very long time, there has been a real and a significant need for a good textbook on business ethics and corporate governance. Ethical issues in capitalism and market systems, ethics and social responsibility, ethics and marketing, ethics in finance, ethics and human resource, ethics and information technology. Methods of corporate restructuring mba knowledge base. Beyond these three dimensions of corporate restructuring the thesis also.
Various types of corporate restructuring strategies include. And the latest work is by english philosopher george edward moore who wrote about 70 years ago. Mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructuring. Primarily written for the students of commerce, the present book is a complete study of tax planning, tax procedures and management, wealth tax, value added tax and service tax. There are many forms of corporate restructuring, mergers, acquisitions and takeovers. Open elective subjects will be offered in house by the management department. Mba finance notes 2020 download all semester books. Breakups and lbos 431 shows that the typical restructuring creates substantial value for shareholders. Marks 100 20 80 100 contact hours week 5 practical class 5 prepared by dr. Cs professional corporate restructuringchapter 1 notes. History of mergers 41 merger waves 41 what causes merger waves. The chapter analyses approaches to corporate restructuring core. Coates iv1 the core goal of corporate law and governance is to improve outcomes for participants in businesses organized as corporations, and for society, relative to what could be achieved.
Click download or read online button to get corporate restructuring book now. Our expert team is ready to answer all your questions immediatelyfeel free to speak in tamilenglish. This course covers the financial, economic, and strategic reasons for major corporate restructuring transactions. Nationsbanks takeover of the bank of america, but adopting bank of americas name. The purpose of the decision shall be to create value for the owners. The most common forms of corporate restructuring are mergersamalgamations, acquisitionstake overs, financial restructuring, divestituresdemergers and buyouts. Further, it ensures that their boards are accountable to the. Restructuring is a type of corporate action taken when significantly modifying the debt, operations or structure of a company as a means of potentially eliminating financial harm and. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and should. Strategic managementunit i strategy and process 9conceptual framework for strategic management, the concept of strategy and thestrategy formation process stakeholders in business vision, mission and purpose business definition, objectives and goals corporate governance and socialresponsibilitycase study.
Need and scope of corporate restructuring corporate restructuring is concerned with arranging the business activities of the corporate as a whole so as to achieve certain predetermined objectives at corporate level. The systematic approach to restructuring involves the business portfolio, technical, financial, and organizational restructuring. Mba faculty bisma biyani institute of science and management. Mba knowledge base management concepts methods of corporate restructuring. Concept, need and reasons, legal aspects, procedural aspects relating to commencing of meetings and presentation of petition documentation, economic aspects including effect on the interest of small investors. The subject of corporate restructuring, valuation and insolvency is inherently. Will the acquiring company issue stock, pay cash, issue notes, or use. Core initiatives in order to be successful need to look at both the volume of restructuring and the strategy for restructuring. Corporate restructuring has been the focus of much debate in the past few years. Mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructurings. Corporate restructuring 391 divestitures 393 divestiture and spinoff process 404 market liquidity and the decision to divest a unit 406 roundtrip wealth effects 406 wealth effects of selloffs 407 managerial ownership and selloff gains 410 activists and selloffs 410.
This paper investigates the influence of firmlevel corporate governance on financial performance of the listed firms in bangladesh. For more information about the course, visit our website and you can. Nov 06, 2012 corporate restructuring study materialfinal 2 1. These are sample course outlines and should not be used as the basis for buying textbooks or other course materials. Mergers and acquisitions are the most popular means of corporate restructuring or business combinations in comparison to amalgamation, takeovers, spinoffs, leverage buyouts, buyback of shares, capital reorganisation, sale of business units and assets etc. Corporate restructuring is the process of redesigning one or more aspects of a company. Apj abdul kalam technical university aktu mba notes. Master of business administration is one of the popular, twoyear professional courses which is the ever demanding one in india mba. Mba sample course outlines in the table below you will find links to course outlines from recent semesters for many of the faculty teaching next semester.
Expansion and financial restructuring corporate restructuring mergers and amalgamations reasons for merger, benefits and cost of merger takeovers business alliances managing an acquisition divestitures ownership restructuring privatisation dynamics notes. Critically examine the statement and discuss the relevant provisions relating to corporate restructuring. Approaches to corporate debt restructuring in the wake of financial crises thomas laryea. The book will undoubtedly prove useful to the students of b. Basics of business valuation 8 hours introduction, purpose of valuation, distinction between price and value, principles and techniques of valuation, role of valuation, key areas of valuation, concepts of value.
We are going to launch our new website, for different universities at different server for this we need approx rs. Bangalore university, vtu, mba second 3rd third semester syllabus 3. Mba full form is masters of bussiness administration. The book will help the readers answer crucial questions such as. Definition of a company a company is a corporation an artificial person created by law. A case study of east african breweries limited eabl by judith mokaya a research report submitted to the chandaria school of business in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the masters degree in business administration mba united states international university africa. Corporate restructuring download ebook pdf, epub, tuebl. Pdf the us department store industry has undergone an important round of strategic. A 3rd sem study material corporate value and restructuring by. Pros and cons of takeover while pros and cons of a takeover differ from case to case. Any university student can download given mba finance notes and study material or you can buy mba finance books at amazon also. Mms or mba or pgdbm would constitute a siseable part of my target audience, i have made. Dear colleagues i have the lecture notes for the subject corporate restructuring that i am sharing with all of you in this thread.
Corporate restructuringmodule 1introductionwith indian corporate. Corporate restructuring, valuation and insolvency lesson no. Strategic financial management corporate restructuring notes. Kent baker university professor of finance and kogod research professor, american university halil kiymaz bank of america chair and professor selection from the art of capital restructuring. Although a strong background in financial management is not required, a rudimentary idea of financial statements and serious curiosity about the world of financial corporations is useful. In the western world, oldest work on ethics is by aristotle, a greek philosopher and student of plato, from 384 to 322 bc. The need of corporate restructuring may arise when the existing business no. Types, regulation, and patterns of practice john c.
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